The House of Lost Dreamers...

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The Dreamers

Those who are along for the ride. Eventually, everyone should have their own personal page done up in their own personal style, but for now, have some quick mini-profiles including system roles (as far as we've figured them out)


Mid-30s // Primarily Achillean // Trans Man // Your Humble Host// Vampirekin // Changeling Child (Autistic)

Likes: Tabetop RPGs, vampires, goth subculture, furry subculture, photography, the arts (esp drawing and painting), crafting, horror movies, the occult and historical fashion
Birthday: December 4th


Mid-20s // Bisexual // Cis Girl // Caretaker & Trauma Processing // Fae-souled Human // Borderline Baddie

Likes: Painting, fairy tales, sports cars, lingerie, goth subculture, fashion, romance novels, Disney movies, the occult, role-playing and writing.
Birthday: October 25th


Mid-20s // Bisexual // Cis Guy // Trip Buddy & Teen Trauma Processing // Vampire // Number #1 Masochism Fan Boy

Likes: Painting & Sculpting, Songwriting, Goth Music & Music in general, gore & horror related media, the occult, TTRPGs, vampires, 80s movies (esp The Lost Boys)
Birthday: January 6th

A Rose of Flesh and Blood...


Mid-20s // Primarily Asexual // Cis Guy // Teen Trauma Processing // Vampire // Most Autistic Boy In Here

Likes: Coffee, Tiramisu, The Occult/Supernatural/Paranormal/Magic etc., writing & world-building, psychology, scientific documentaries, horror media, The Magnus Archives, Malevolent Podcast
Birthday: January 6th

Enter the Arcane Archive


Late 20s // Bisexual // Cis Guy // Protector // Vampire // Everyone's Favorite Narcissist <3

Likes: Sports cars, photography (esp film & vintage), rich & complex flavors, Will Wood, the Arts, Himself, Morgan, Our Partner
Birthday: August 9th


Early 20s // Asexual // Girl // Age Sliding & Childhood Trauma Processing // Vampire // Bipolar Babygirl

Likes: Goth Aesthetic & Subculture, Web Design, y2k aesthetic, photography (esp vintage digital!), music, furry subculture, drawing, the paranormal and occult, aliens, lolita fashion, DIY and TTRPGs
Birthday: January 7th

Enter the Broken Mirror...


Mid-20s // Demisexual// Trans Man // Moral OCD & Childhood Trauma Holder // Human // He's Got That Catholic Guilt

Likes: Anime, Cat Videos,Religion (We don't know all that much about Killian just yet)
Birthday: June 20th


Early 20s // Achillean // Trans Man // Doesn't Like Sys Roles // Dhampir // Fluffy Bunny Boy

Likes: 2000s and late 90s dance and pop music, goth music, femboy fashion, kawaii stuff, the color pink, getting drunk and/or high, clubbing/going OUT
Birthday: March 22nd


Late Teens // Demisexual // Trans Man // Teen Trauma Holder // Changeling Child // Dreamborn

Likes: Genesis & Phil Collins, 60s Psychedelic Rock, 80s goth fashion, 2000s goth fashion
Birthday: October 30th

Enter the Fox's Refuge


Age Unknown // Bisexual // Faerie Fox Boy // Role Unknown // High Sidhe Faerie // Dreamborn

Likes: Nature, foxes, mind altering substances, nature photography, painting, the arts, music he can dance to
Birthday: Unknown

Enter the Fox's Refuge