The House of Lost Dreamers...

Misc Texas 2025
Miscellaneous photos from my Nov
2024-Feb 2025 trip to Texas. All taken with a Canon
Digital Rebel EOS XT (2005) with the kit lens from a KS
Super II from Sears (1970s-1980s not sure of exact
model). Which is a Sears 1:20 50mm lens (which I think
is a rebranded Ricoh Rikennon?). Unless otherwise
stated, that is.
If otherwise is stated then that's
probably a phone camera photo. As of January 30th these
are arranged randomly! After Jan 30th they'll be in
reverse chronological order ^^
Also sorry these are like, shit
quality. I've never used a manual lens before so I'm
still learning!
Last Update: Feb 4th
These are also all vivitar
vivicam photos. I took it with me on a trip to home depot
just because it's easier to just throw in a bag than my
canon lol
The next 18 pictures were taken with a
Vivitar Vivicam f124 which is an old digicam of my
partner's they gave me to fuck around with because I'm
getting super into vintage digital cameras lol.